Our Solar Project: Making Bellfield More Sustainable

Bellfield’s solar project will see 20kw of electricity generating solar panels installed on the roof of the Large Hall in late February 2020.

The total cost is £23,000, and we have been very well supported by Local Energy Scotland and the Energy Saving Trust’s SME Loan Fund. We have also been fortunate to benefit from a grant of £18,000 from Scottish Power Energy Network’s Green Economy Fund. 

The Solar PV system will pay for itself in less than 5 years, and total savings over 25 years are estimated to be around £70,000. As Scotland moves towards a greenhouse gas emissions reduction target of 75% by 2030 and net-zero emissions in 2045, the role of renewable electricity in powering and heating our buildings will grow significantly. We are delighted to be taking this step to make Bellfield more sustainable.

We intend to publish our generating data on the website, so that all of our supporters can see how their renewable energy asset is working at keeping costs down and reducing our emissions.

EnvironmentalTeam Bellfield