April Members update

AGM Date - Wed 22nd June

Our next AGM, our first as a Community Benefit Society (with charitable status), will be on 22nd June at 7pm. We would love to hear from you and share our plans and hopes for Bellfield.

Bellfield is busier than ever. We have had archaeological excavations to identify any limitations on redevelopment of the Celebration Hall (the old church building) and we hope to have a community share issue in the autumn to raise the funds to soundproof, insulate and make the Celebration Hall into a versatile user-friendly community resource. Meanwhile, Action Porty is restructuring so we can have a board focused on Bellfield and another on supporting other community initiatives. Come hear all about it at our AGM.

Spring at Bellfield 

Nature is blooming again at Bellfield; trees are blossoming, veggies and herbs are growing, and we have spotted birds nesting around the building. Plants and animals are essential for sustaining the ecosystems and we like to do our bit to encourage biodiversity and tackle the nature crisis.

Bellfield Community Garden group is also doing a great job to encourage biodiversity and have started putting things in for the new season. Everybody is welcome to help themselves to produce from the raised bed (spinach, rocket, etc are ready for picking).

Sponsor A Swift Box!

As part of our involvement in the Swift City Project (RSPB Scotland), we now have our six swift boxes which will go up in early May, hopefully still in time to house these special visitors this year. If you see any swifts around, do let us know.

We wondered if any members would like to sponsor a swift box? Each swift box costs £42. We would welcome donations, however big or small towards this project. To make a donation to this project or discuss sponsorship or memorial possibilities with us, please email gifts@bellfield.scot .

Volunteer With Us

Last newsletter we introduced you to Ella who started as our Volunteer Coordinator back in February. She has been getting stuck in updating our website with the latest volunteering opportunities. Have a look and see if any of them take your fancy:

If you would like to give back to your community, acquire new skills or just make new friends and meet like-minded people, why not volunteer with us! You can also contact Ella on ella@actionporty.com to chat about roles that are of interest to you.

BikeFest At Bellfield and Other Events

We are very excited to be hosting Bikefest at Bellfield on Sunday 19th June, in conjunction with Porty Community Energy. Bikefest at Bellfield is an initiative to celebrate and explore what Low Carbon Transport means for Portobello. If you would you like to get involved then please email Hazel at portycommunityenergy@gmail.com

You can also click on this link on our website to find out more about upcoming events: https://www.bellfield.scot/events

Last month we hosted a volunteer’s social evening to share opportunities and information on upcoming projects and events, welcome new volunteers and say a big thank you to our existing ones. Over cheese and wine , we exchanged ideas & plans and listened to inspiring talks from various other organised groups. If this sounds like something you'd be interested in, they take place a few times a year. We also had a successful Amnesty International book sale and welcomed back Support the Makers summer market. So good to have events taking place again.


You generosity keeps us going. As a charity, we rely on your donations (one off or regular) to enable us to support Bellfield and make a difference to the community of Portobello. Don't forget that, in addition to gifts by donation, you can find out more about ways to donate here.
Lastly you can also support us each time you shop on Amazon, then please use AmazonSmile and Amazon will donate to Actio Porty, at no cost to you.

Till the next update,

Yours Aye

The Action Porty Board for Bellfield

Website Bellfield